The 24-year-old model turned actress who was previously seen in the reality show Big Brother, Deana Uppal is all set for another reality show, Fear Factor. The fearless actress will be seen facing tough challenges and tasks in the adventure based reality show Fear Factor Khatron Ke Khiladi 5.
Former Miss India UK Deana Uppal is the talk of the town these days as she was a part of the reality show Big Brother for a good two and a half months. Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty won the UK based reality show.
Born in Middleborough, Deana Uppal has been a model since she was 16, and has spent two years in India modeling for magazines, fashion shoots and videos after which she returned to England. She is young multi-talented actress, as she can sing, dance and also has a black belt in karate. She is working on three feature films and has more in the pipeline. Although, her journey has not been as easy as it seems. Her father died from cancer when she was a child and she does not have any siblings.
“I want to get the most out of life while I am young. I never want to be poor or feel hardship again,” she said. She wants to work hard and make her way up to the top.
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