Actress Priyanka Chopra was seen at the Auto Expo 2014 with an injury on her right knee. The actress sizzled the event with her black bodycon dress and the perfect hairdo and was seen posing for photographs with the Range Rover with a smile that managed to hide her pain.
The actress tweeted before the Atuo Expo 2014 "With a ice pack on my busted knee I travel to Delhi.. Lots to do Tom... Excited!"
The actress tweeted before the Atuo Expo 2014 "With a ice pack on my busted knee I travel to Delhi.. Lots to do Tom... Excited!"
And later tweeted "Just unveiled the stunning Land Rover LWB at #JLRAE2014! What a beauty she is-sleek & powerful!"
The stunning actress and singer was also seen with a pink bandage on her right knee on the sets of 'Comedy Nights with Kapil' with her co-stars Ranveer Singh and Arjun Kapoor to promote her upcoming movie 'Gunday'
Priyanka Chopra did not just wear heels even after the leg injury but also shook a leg at the show with no sign of pain. This goes to show how she is continuously on the job, working even after an injury.
Even Shah Rukh Khan suffered from an injury recently while shooting for his upcoming film 'Happy New Year', the news of Priyanka Chopra's injury came right after that.
Read More: Priyanka Chopra gets injured
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