The film has a unique story of a 'doctor turned cabbie'. He (Vinay Virmani) graduates from a renowned medical college in India and flies to Canada, the country of opportunities in his perception. He looks for jobs there, but is diasppointed. The unemployed doctor then turns a cab driver. He finds his break when he helps a lady with her delivery in cab. He then converts his cab into a mobile clinic and becomes a local hero.
The movie is all about the struggles of a 'doctor turned cabbie' in a new land and his amusing ways of surviving through those. And of course, the movie is also about the doctor's love in the foreign land. It's a perfect 'Hollywood meets Bollywood'. From passion, motivation to love and laughs, the film has it all.
The film is in its post-production stage and is said to hit theatres in September, 2014.
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