Purani Jeans, an action-romance movie is directed by award winning ad filmmaker Tanushri Chattrji Bassu and produced by Manju Lulla. Friendship based movie is Starring three new faces, Tanuj Virwani, Aditya Seal and Izabelle Leite in the main lead role and other cast features Sarika, Rati Agnihotri, Manoj Pahwa, Param Baidwaan, Raghav Kakkad, Kashyap Kapoor, Rajit Kapur, Kamini Kaushal and Kashika Chopra.
The film tells a heart-warming story about friendship, where Sid (Tanuj Virwani) and Sam (Aditya Seal) who are the best friends fall in love with the same girl Nayantara (Izabelle Leite). It creates the conflict between their friendship, tears, sorrow, arguments, misunderstanding and finally realization.
The fabulous story promises to take the audience back to the most memorable days of their lives, those days when youngsters come of age. The promises we made, break and then all that, will take you to the nostalgic days of your life. A predictable plot with unique concept is liked by all.
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