Yuddham, a romantic comedy-action film, directed by Amayakudu fame Bharathi Ganesh and produced by Tollywood hero Natti kumar under the banner of Visakha Talkies. The Telugu film stars Tarun Kumar who is in bad pace of career, bounce back with this movie and marks versatile actress Yami Gautam.
Besides Tarun and Yami in the lead roles, movie features noted Telugu filmstar, Srihari, Chandra Mohan (actor), Brahmanandam, Chalapathi Rao, and Ashish Vidyarthi. Let's begin movie story and review.
The story of Yuddham revolves around the life of Tarun who is a mischievous boy and Yami, a simple college student, both loves each other. As, the charm of romantic movie lies in the love, emotions and feelings that are very well appeared in the movie.
As stated by reviews, this movie is a tribute film for Late Actor Srihari who essayed a crucial and pivot role and expected to be the highlight of the movie. Well, Yuddham, a romantic entertainer with comic scenes gained loads of applauds.
Movie has five songs which are composed by Chakri and cinematography by Jaswanth. Cast has given powerful performance. Unique idea and sudden twist unveiled in the plot of the film is very much recognised, appreciated and counted positive response, in accordance to the reviews.
Sandhira.com movie review rating – 3/5
Besides Tarun and Yami in the lead roles, movie features noted Telugu filmstar, Srihari, Chandra Mohan (actor), Brahmanandam, Chalapathi Rao, and Ashish Vidyarthi. Let's begin movie story and review.
The story of Yuddham revolves around the life of Tarun who is a mischievous boy and Yami, a simple college student, both loves each other. As, the charm of romantic movie lies in the love, emotions and feelings that are very well appeared in the movie.
As stated by reviews, this movie is a tribute film for Late Actor Srihari who essayed a crucial and pivot role and expected to be the highlight of the movie. Well, Yuddham, a romantic entertainer with comic scenes gained loads of applauds.
Movie has five songs which are composed by Chakri and cinematography by Jaswanth. Cast has given powerful performance. Unique idea and sudden twist unveiled in the plot of the film is very much recognised, appreciated and counted positive response, in accordance to the reviews.
Sandhira.com movie review rating – 3/5
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