Kadhal Solla Aasai, a comedy- romance movie is directed by KS Tamil Seenu and the film has cinematography by Jacob Rathinaraj. It is produced by S. Vijayalakshmi under the banner of Emersigns Production Private Limited. Film stars at Ashok and Madhu Raghuram who played the lead role. Please read on further for the movie's story and review.
Kadhal Solla Aasai is the love story of Ashok whose family is in police department and want him to do the same, but he is completely unwilling to this. Then, he come across a girl in the workplace and falls in love with her.
His close friend Gautham, laid down with broken heart as his girlfriend had passed away recently. But, Gautham finds a revival, when he finds Ashok’s ladylove for the identical looks of his dead girl. Both fall in love with the same girl and then the story moves on.
According to the movie review, the movie scored bad reviews because the script was not well written and it doesn't has anything extraordinary to impress. The beginning of the film makes feel very boredom, even it is difficult to characterize whether it is a love story or action or drama.
Though, the acting of lead role is very well done, but the replication of yesteryear scenes make the movie not appealing and annoying. Comments for Kadhal Solla Aasai are negative in accordance to the public reviews.
The music is composed by S. Lekha and it is the first time in the Tamil film industry, when music is launched completely in the digital format. The movie has six songs in number, but inadequacy in script made all the efforts to go in vain.
Sandhira.com movie review rating – 1.5/5
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