'Diya Aur Baati Hum' is the first serial which introduced Deepika Singh as Sandhya Rathi. Deepika has become well-known with the success of this serial. There are some unknown facts about deepika singh that no one knows and her journey to name, fame and money.
1) TV actress deepika singh has done MBA in marketing from Punjab technical university, then she joined her father's garment business.
2) Deepika aka sandhya always desire to become actress and she had worked in theatre too.
3) Deepika singh is single and does not have a date yet. Though, she does not get much time for dating, but she believes in relationship commitment.
4) In Mumbai, Sandhya had struggled at the beginning. Often, she slept without eating anything at night and sometimes just drinks cold milk, to save money.
5) In real life, Deepika Singh is confident and independent, and live her life in her own way. She takes her all decisions by herself.
6) She is from delhi and belongs to a rajput family.
7) Deepika's parents live in Delhi and she is eldest between two sisters and one brother. Right now she wants to take care of her family.
8) Alike from her serial character, she is very much focussed on her career and don't want to marry right now.
More Info: http://entertainment.sandhira.com/8-unknown-facts-of-diya-aur-baati-hum-actress-sandhya-rathi-deepika-singh.html
1) TV actress deepika singh has done MBA in marketing from Punjab technical university, then she joined her father's garment business.
2) Deepika aka sandhya always desire to become actress and she had worked in theatre too.
3) Deepika singh is single and does not have a date yet. Though, she does not get much time for dating, but she believes in relationship commitment.
4) In Mumbai, Sandhya had struggled at the beginning. Often, she slept without eating anything at night and sometimes just drinks cold milk, to save money.
5) In real life, Deepika Singh is confident and independent, and live her life in her own way. She takes her all decisions by herself.
6) She is from delhi and belongs to a rajput family.
7) Deepika's parents live in Delhi and she is eldest between two sisters and one brother. Right now she wants to take care of her family.
8) Alike from her serial character, she is very much focussed on her career and don't want to marry right now.
More Info: http://entertainment.sandhira.com/8-unknown-facts-of-diya-aur-baati-hum-actress-sandhya-rathi-deepika-singh.html
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