Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi's four-year-old son Ayan has been diagnosed with first-stage cancer. The news has shocked and saddened not only the actor but also his family, friends, the fraternity and his fans.
Talking to a leading newspaper about it, Mahesh Bhatt said, "I got a call from Emraan at about 12.30 on Monday. He was speaking some garbled words and it was a call that kind of shattered me as he was inconsolable.
He was calling from Hinduja Hospital where his four-year-old son Ayan had been diagnosed with a tumour in his kidney that was found malignant. The doctor had suggested immediate surgical intervention after which the road map for the future would be decided and that would probably mean chemotherapy."
Ayan is suffering from a kind of a kidney cancer that usually affects children and is being treated at the Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai. Father Emraan who was supposed to shoot for his film 'Mr. X' in South Africa, has requested his director and producer to call it off and hence it will now be shot in Mumbai so that he can spend time with his son.
We wish Ayan a speedy recovery and hope that Emraan and his family gets the strength of face the tough times.
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Talking to a leading newspaper about it, Mahesh Bhatt said, "I got a call from Emraan at about 12.30 on Monday. He was speaking some garbled words and it was a call that kind of shattered me as he was inconsolable.
He was calling from Hinduja Hospital where his four-year-old son Ayan had been diagnosed with a tumour in his kidney that was found malignant. The doctor had suggested immediate surgical intervention after which the road map for the future would be decided and that would probably mean chemotherapy."
Ayan is suffering from a kind of a kidney cancer that usually affects children and is being treated at the Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai. Father Emraan who was supposed to shoot for his film 'Mr. X' in South Africa, has requested his director and producer to call it off and hence it will now be shot in Mumbai so that he can spend time with his son.
We wish Ayan a speedy recovery and hope that Emraan and his family gets the strength of face the tough times.
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