When Deepika Padukone last sat on Karan Johar's couch in his talk show, she showed her naughty side. Along with Sonam Kapoor she publicly mocked and joked about Ranbir Kapoor's playboy image.
But this time she was more dignified and refrained from creating any such controversy. She, however admitted that she had genuinely fallen in love with Ranbir Kapoor.
"I think it was a relationship that I thought would go beyond. For whatever reasons, it didn't work out. Since then I think I am very scared to invest emotionally in a relationship," she said.
"I don't know how to just casually go for a date. I do not know how to be in this 'inbetween dating' but not committed thing," she added.
The leggy beauty maintained her silence over her alleged relationship with Ranveer Singh. Deepika Padukone who had a career defining 2013, was at her witty best as she fend off Karan's intrusive questions.
More Info: http://entertainment.sandhira.com/deepika-padukone-afraid-to-commit-ranbir-kapoor-blunder-again.html
But this time she was more dignified and refrained from creating any such controversy. She, however admitted that she had genuinely fallen in love with Ranbir Kapoor.
"I think it was a relationship that I thought would go beyond. For whatever reasons, it didn't work out. Since then I think I am very scared to invest emotionally in a relationship," she said.
"I don't know how to just casually go for a date. I do not know how to be in this 'inbetween dating' but not committed thing," she added.
The leggy beauty maintained her silence over her alleged relationship with Ranveer Singh. Deepika Padukone who had a career defining 2013, was at her witty best as she fend off Karan's intrusive questions.
More Info: http://entertainment.sandhira.com/deepika-padukone-afraid-to-commit-ranbir-kapoor-blunder-again.html
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