BJP's prime ministerial candidate has found a new ally in Bollywood superstar Salman Khan. At the recent kite flying event in Ahmedabad Salman was spotted having a great time with Modi.
Salman Khan on the eve of Uttrayan had gone to Ahmedabad to promote his upcoming movie “Jai Ho”. Salman flew kites with Narendra Modi and had a lunch date with Gujarat Chief minister. At the event he had called Narendra Modi a good man.
And in a recent interview, he has said that Narendra Modi shouldn't apologize for Gujarat riots. “Why would Modi say sorry if he is not responsible for it. And if he is responsible for it then why the judiciary gave him a clean chit, why nothing happened?”
Talking about his Ahmedabad visit Salman said, "Kisi ke ghar pe jao, khana khao, especially the head of the state and say that I didn't like the food man, I don't like you, that is not cool...that is not our culture. Modi gave us a lot of respect."
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Salman Khan on the eve of Uttrayan had gone to Ahmedabad to promote his upcoming movie “Jai Ho”. Salman flew kites with Narendra Modi and had a lunch date with Gujarat Chief minister. At the event he had called Narendra Modi a good man.
And in a recent interview, he has said that Narendra Modi shouldn't apologize for Gujarat riots. “Why would Modi say sorry if he is not responsible for it. And if he is responsible for it then why the judiciary gave him a clean chit, why nothing happened?”
Talking about his Ahmedabad visit Salman said, "Kisi ke ghar pe jao, khana khao, especially the head of the state and say that I didn't like the food man, I don't like you, that is not cool...that is not our culture. Modi gave us a lot of respect."
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