LastBenchers Official Movie Trailer
is a product of dedication and hardwork of few who had the courage
and determination to step into the uncharted territory. The movie is
product of a collective endeavour of few ordinary individuals (50 to
be precise) who came together to do something extraordinary.
The main driving force behind the movie is Prajakt Rebeloma, who is director, actor, lyricist, writer, editor and cinematographer of this film. All the individuals associated with this venture had never undergone any professional training for this movie except Tanvi Lonkar who played role of Latika in Oscar winning movie Slumdog Millionaire.
Lastbencher revolves around the lives of four college going youngsters who for their own unfortunate reasons are academically weak. However, for what they lack in academics, they make it up by their endeavours in other fields.
Dipak is afraid to speak English in public, Sanket hates his looks and is extremely insecure about it, Prashant works in garage and is only concerned about filling his pocket and Prajakt who is a college drop-out regularly endures taunts.
But inspite of these blemishes, they enjoy their life and everyday try to make it lively. However, soon their college term ends and they are left facing the dilemma which almost every student faces after leaving college – What to do now?
But, they soon find out that every student is facing the same problem they do, and they find their life's calling in helping the other to overcome their problems. But whether they can overcome criticism, failure and broken heart is the plot of the movie.
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