Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Muavza Movie Review

Muavza Movie Review:

Muavza, a satirical drama flick is directed by Girish Juneja and Jagdish Gupta produced the movie under the banner of Jagson Entertainment Company. Movie stars national award for best supporting actor for ‘Vicky Donor”Annu Kapoor, Akhilendra MIshra Pankaj Berry, Govind Pandey, Tejinder and Deepak Verma in the leading role.

Muavza highlights Bhatta Parsual incident happened with the landowners in a very controversial village Bhatta Parsaul. Interesting fact about the flick is that almost movie is shot in the same village. For the movie review and story, please read on.

The plot of the Muavza movie focus on how the growth of the New Delhi and National Capital Region has turned valueless land of a few nearby villages into worth of millions. Annu Kapoor (Bechu Bhai) is the common man who found in such street, mohalla or village. The insignificant and of low-value lands become very valuable and their owners would get muavza (monitory compensation) against that after a long gap and demand as well. Later, some obstructions come and the story moves on.

The movie wrapped off the actual situation framed in urban cities and the suburb places around the main city. The low-budget film has unique theme and plot, which is a bit add on the Muavza. Though, cast has done full justice with their respective roles, but in the mid.

Well, editor Vinod Pathak and Art director Mukesh Kumar has greatly done their job, while cinematography is lacking a bit and unable to represent some scenes well, in accordance to the reviews. Rahul Thagele has penned Muavza story and Upmanyu- Jaidev has created the music. Movie review rating- 2.5/5


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