Postcard Marathi Movie Review: Postcard, a drama movie that stresses on values of relationship is directed by prolific writer-director Gajendra Ahire and produced by Smita Vina Ganu. The mysterious movie features Dilip Prabhavalkar, Girish Kulkarni, Kishor Kadam, Subodh Bhave and Sai Tamhankar in the main role. Let's look over the movie story and review.
The story of engrossing film portrays the stories of three people linked to a humble postman Girish Kulkarni who delivers mail by bicycle to Indian villagers. The lives of these three are dependent on the incomplete letters and initially, postman won't have any sort of attachment with the recipients, other than giving letters to the intended person.
But, the habit of postman’s wife of reading the letters of people and then sharing it with postman, emotionally connected him with these three people. The content of letters makes him restless, anxious and he starts thinking whether he could help these people. Later, he tried to help these people and story moves on.
According to the movie review, the embedded stories in one tale weaved with narrative twist and unexpected end is very much liked and gained positive comments from the people. The technical work done by the director is effective in conveying the feelings of different parts of the country.
Also, the era of 60s is very well showcased, when postman plays a very important role in the lives of the people, according to Postman reviews. Cast has performed well, but somewhere it looks like, more improvement can be done. The music composed by Gandhar Sangoram in the 125 minutes long movie.
Presence of suspense, emotions and love manages to entangle the audience, as per reviews. The appealing script left a very good remark on the honesty of postman that led the movie to score more than average reviews and made its position in New York Indian Film Festival (NYIFF). movie review rating - 3/5
Movie review by - Sagun
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