Chandamama Kathalu Telugu Movie Review: Chandamama Kathalu, a Telugu weaving of eight different stories is directed by Praveen Sattaru and produced by Chanakya Bhooneti. The film that showcased eight sub-stories revolve around love, greed and emotion features Lakshmi Manchu, Aamani, Naresh, Krishnudu, Chaitanya Krishna, Abhijeet, Naga Shaurya, Vennela Kishore, Amitha Rao and Richa Panai in the lead roles. Let's look over the movie review and story.
The plot of the movie interwined different stories in a nice way. The film depicts dejected lover, a widow who is reunited with her ex-boy friend, a model who was betrayed by her husband, a gluttonous beggar, a street villager, a struggling bachelor and a father, who is worried about his daughter chronic illness. All of them are connected in the name of love and greed, and story moves on.
According to the movie review, very different and difficult kind of genre is induced in the Tollywood movie and dialogues are impressive. The script is wonderful and the music and background scored by Mickey J Meyer is the other highlight of the movie and scored positive comments.
Cinematography and editing are the another strength of Chandamama Kathalu movie. The performance of the stars is average and somewhere narration is missing in the flick. The first half goes well and in the second half, emotion quotient is very high, but unable to define crux neatly, as per the film reviews.
Winding of eight stories appears a bit boring and illogical. Also, poor execution by the director, let the movie not rock the box-office, as stitiching of these stories isvivant good, but their end was quite appears in hurry without proper reasoning. All in all, in accordance to Chandamama Kathalu reviews, movie is not upto the mark, as it was expected. movie review rating - 2/5
Movie review by - Krithika
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